Church Care & Maintenance

Your Invitation to… Share Your Talents to Take Care of and Maintain our Church Building


Our Historic 1870s building and surround grounds need much care and maintenance. If you are a painter, gardener, electrician, plumber, mason, carpenter, roofer, engineer or are willing to help with cleaning the church, changing light bulbs or decorating we need your help. By offering your talents and time you can ensure the safety, cleanliness and beauty of our worship and social spaces. Your willingness to be a member of this ministry will allow our parish to continue its mission and improve our facilities in ways we currently are financially unable to.


To Minister to the Church…

  • Let us know how you can help
  • Have your name added to our list of willing volunteers
  • Be willing to donate your time and talent


Sacred Hearts – St. Stephen Parish has no full-time paid maintenance or custodial staff. Volunteers are responsible for most general church maintenance and cleaning.


Fore more information or to sign up to be a member of the Church Care and

Maintenance Ministry email and put “Care and Maintenance” in the subject.


Ministry Contacts:

Danny Durante and John Heyer