At Sacred Hearts – St. Stephen Parish
Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God. We become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church, and made sharers in the Church’s mission. Through the waters of Baptism, sin is forgiven and the new Christian, having died with Christ, rises to new and everlasting life.
Baptism of Infants
The practice of infant baptism is an immemorial tradition of the Church. Born in the midst of a sinful world and affected by original sin, children are born anew through baptism, are freed from the power of darkness, and are welcomed into the community of the church.
The Sacrament of Baptism for infants is celebrated every third Sunday of the month throughout the year. Several infants are baptized at each celebration, which begin at 1:00 PM in the main church.
Families may also speak with Msgr. Massie about arranging for a private Baptism or Baptism at Mass. Private Baptisms can be on Saturdays or Sundays in the main church as long as the parish calendar allows. Baptisms at Mass can be arranged to occur at a 10AM or 11:45AM Sunday Mass in the main church.
Parents are required to attend a preparation session prior to the baptism of their child. There must be at least one Catholic Godparent for the Baptism, other witnesses are allowed. The original birth certificate of the child must be brought to the parish prior to the baptism so that a copy may be placed with your child’s record.
If you are interested in baptizing your child at Sacred Hearts – St. Stephen please contact Msgr. Guy Massie at 718.596.7750 or no later than one month prior to the desired date of the baptism.
Please fill out the Baptismal Arrangements Form
Baptism of Adults
Since the beginning of the Church, adults have been welcomed into the church through baptism after a period of instruction, prayer, and reflection. For more information about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, click here.