All 8:30 AM weekday and 10:15 AM Sunday Masses are live-streamed on this website, Facebook, and YouTube.
Morning Prayer is held seven days a week at 8:00 AM in the main church.
Saturday Vigil Mass
5:00 PM
Sunday Masses
8:30AM (no music), 10:15 AM
Weekdays Masses
Monday Through Saturday 8:30 AM
Masses are also Celebrated at St. Mary Star of the Sea, located at 467 Court Street as follows:
Saturday Vigil Mass
4:00 PM
Sunday Mass
9:00 AM
Weekday Masses
Tuesday Through Thursday 9:30 AM
Check out Catholic Mass Times for mass times at other parishes.
by appointment.
Every Third Sunday At 1:00 PM
Please call the rectory one month before to make arrangements.
Sick Calls
Please call the rectory to arrange for the sacrament of anointing whenever anyone is seriously ill.
Please call the rectory at least 6 months ahead for an appointment with a priest