Interested in being more involved?

We welcome your deeper involvement in the life of the parish through our ministry programs. If you are willing to do more at the parish, please email us today at with the ministry you may be interested in or let us know a little about who you are and we can pair you with a need we currently have…I am the Church, You are the Church…We are the Church together!

Ministry Day

Throughout our Ministry Drive, we as volunteers and ministers have shared the value of our efforts with our fellow parishioners, witnessing to them and encouraging them to join more actively in the vital work of spreading God’s kingdom here at Sacred Hearts & St. Stephen.

We will conclude this endeavor by giving thanks to God for the fruits our efforts will bear, and by acknowledging the gifts He has given us.  We encourage you to join in this celebration at the Noon Mass on Sunday, November 18th.

Following the Mass those who are part of a parish ministry are invited to a luncheon with other volunteers, new and old, in Cabrini Hall.  Our gathering will include a reflection on the saint for which our hall is named, St. Frances Cabrini, whose inspiration guides us in the work we do.

Please RSVP If you are, or are not, able to attend the Mass and/or the lunch by November 15th at info@sacredhearts‐

All Are Welcome

All Are Welcome

Interested in being more involved?

We welcome your deeper involvement in the life of the parish through our ministry programs. If you are willing to do more at the parish, please email us today at with the ministry you may be interested in or let us know a little about who you are and we can pair you with a need we currently have…I am the Church, You are the Church…We are the Church together!

Ministry Day

Throughout our Ministry Drive, we as volunteers and ministers have shared the value of our efforts with our fellow parishioners, witnessing to them and encouraging them to join more actively in the vital work of spreading God’s kingdom here at Sacred Hearts & St. Stephen.

We will conclude this endeavor by giving thanks to God for the fruits our efforts will bear, and by acknowledging the gifts He has given us.  We encourage you to join in this celebration at the Noon Mass on Sunday, November 18th.

Following the Mass those who are part of a parish ministry are invited to a luncheon with other volunteers, new and old, in Cabrini Hall.  Our gathering will include a reflection on the saint for which our hall is named, St. Frances Cabrini, whose inspiration guides us in the work we do.

Please RSVP If you are, or are not, able to attend the Mass and/or the lunch by November 15th at info@sacredhearts‐

Thanksgiving Eve Mass

Prepare to join your family around the dinner table for Thanksgiving by joining the parish family of Sacred Hearts – St. Stephen around the Altar Table in thanksgiving on the eve of Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at 6PM Mass

Annual Star Lighting

Saturday, December 8th at 6:30 PM on the steps of the church. This year featuring music by Charlie Romo and the Sacred Hearts – St. Stephen Choirs. Sponsorship opportunities available by contacting the Parish Office at 718-9596-7750 or



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